Back in service after a full overhaul by Paul Duclos and his team at Duclos Lenses.
This is a rare set of vintage Bausch + Lomb Super Baltar prime lenses dating from the early 1960's. They flare, breath and look terrible on a projector, but are considered by some to be the Stradivarius of cinema lenses. Examples of films shot with Super Baltar primes include 'The Godfather' by Gordon Willis, 'Birth' by Harris Savides and many others.
This particular set has an interesting history. After many years of service at various studios they nearly ended their career in a dumpster at 20th Century Fox. But as fate would have it a man by the name of Norman Brown happened to be on the lot that day. He was able to rescue not only this set of lenses, but also two complete Mitchell NC-R camera packages from the landfill.
It was around this time that I was looking to purchase my first camera package and after many twists and turns I eventually landed at a small company called Ferraflex, where I met Mike Ferra and Norm Brown.
I ended up purchasing one of the Mitchell NC-R (#56) packages that Norm had rescued from Fox. On the way out the door Mike Ferra handed me a battered case and I've been grateful to both him and Norm ever since.
"Here kid, I'll throw in a box of lenses for free, so you have something to shoot with."
Mitchell NC-R #56 was originally purchased by Paul Ivano. ASC in 1936 and rescued from oblivion by Norm Brown and Mike Ferra around 1999.

Super Baltar magic from Chanel Timeless courtesy of cinematographer Aymeric Montouchet